All posts by admin

ECA2017: Final newsletter with programme, book of abstracts, etc.

Dear all,

The conference is in little more than two weeks, and we are happy to inform you that nearly everything is ready to welcome you in Fribourg.

In our latest newsletter [pdf], you will find important information on chairing sessions, posters, book exhibit, so please give it a read.

We are also announcing a last minute change in the line-up of keynote speakers: Dan Sperber will be giving the opening lecture, as Deirdre Wilson had to withdraw.

You will also find the final detailed programme here [pdf] and the book of abstracts here [pdf].

Looking forward to the event!

All the best,


Notifications sent and registration open!

Dear all,

Notifications have now been sent and registration is now open! To register, just visit our online platform [url] fill in the form and select the options you want. Note that registration may be amended.

Please note the registration deadlines:

Conference fees

Early bird (by 28 February 2017)

  • Faculty 260.- CHF (± 270 US$/235 €)
  • PhD Student 150.- CHF (± 155 US$/135 €)

Regular (by 15 April 2017)

  • Faculty 330.- CHF (± 345 US$ / 300 €)
  • PhD Student 210.- CHF (± 220 US$ / 190 €)

The fees include all conference material, lunches, coffee breaks, administration costs and welcoming reception on the first evening of the conference. A conference dinner is planned at an extra fee of 50.- CHF.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Fribourg next year,

Best wishes,

Steve, on behalf of the ECA2017 organising committee

Final CfP for ECA2017 and ECA Summer School programme available!

Dear all,

The final call for papers [pdf] for ECA2017 is now available. The deadline for submission is now only 10 days away. Many thanks to those who have already submitted their abstracts, and to those who want to join us next year, don’t forget to submit in time!

The full programme (with course descriptions) of the ECA Summer School, to be held at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano from 16 to 19 June, prior to the ECA conference, is also available online here [pdf].

The ECA2017 Organising Committee would also like to let you know that everything is being done to make this an economically manageable conference for all participants. You will find information about what we are doing in this respect in the final CfP under the heading ‘Conference fees’. We have, among other measures, applied for special funds in the hope of being able to offer fee discounts to participating PhD students. More on this when we hear from our funding bodies!

Looking forward to seeing all of you in Fribourg next year,

The ECA2017 Organising Committee

ECA summer school programme now available!

Dear all,

It is our pleasure to make the ECA summer school provisional programme available today. You will find it here [pdf].

Please  note that  the summer school will take place from 16 to 19 June 2017 at the University of Lugano (USI). Instructions on how to get there are available here.

With our best wishes,

The ECA organising team together with the ECA summer school organisers.

ECA2017 update: 2nd CfP, ECA Summer School and submission of book panels

Dear all,

The 2nd Call for Papers for ECA2017, which will be held at the University of Fribourg is now out! Here are the updates:

  • The 1st ECA Summer School will take place at the Università della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano, from 16 to 19 June 2017. Please check out the dedicated page for more information.
  • By popular demand, we are also having Book panels, with a format that is similar to the one adopted in other conferences (for instance OSSA). Book panels should be submitted following the submission procedure for thematic panels / symposia.
  • The list of confirmed members of the Scientific Panel is now available as well and will be finalised at the end of August 2016.

Looking forward to receiving your abstracts!

With our best wishes,

The ECA2017 Organising Committee (Steve OSWALD, Didier MAILLAT, Andrea ROCCI, Sara RUBINELLI, Marcin LEWINSKI)

ECA2017 – 1st call for papers is out!

Dear all,

It is with great pleasure that we are launching the 1st call for papers for the 2nd edition of the European Conference on Argumentation, which will take place at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, from 20 to 23 June 2017!

Submissions will be accepted from 8 July 2016 to 1 October 2016. Check out the submission instructions and policies on our website. You will find the call here [pdf]. Information on the venue will be posted online later this year, so check back soon!

With our best wishes,

The ECA2017 Organising Committee