Programme and Abstracts Out!

The full programme of ECA Lisbon 2015, as well as all abstracts (ordered alphabetically and divided into the categories of: long papers / thematic panels / regular papers / poster presentations) are available for download now!


We have tried our best to create an interesting programme, while taking into account the travel limitations and other concerns you have expressed. We hope you find it interesting too. Our aim is not to introduce any changes to the programme as of now (so that the domino effect doesn’t occur). However, if you find any inaccuracies, mistakes, or errors requiring our immediate attention – please respond to this e-mail ASAP, and in case no later than this Thursday, 21st of May.

In the coming days, we will also be updating our website with more detailed information regarding your stay in Lisbon, including both conference and around-the-conference activities. 

We’ll keep in touch with you.

Registration closed!

Conference registration closed on Thursday the 16th of April 2015!

In total, we have received 222 complete registrations (incl. 189 paper presenters and commentators, 17 poster presenters and 16 non-presenting participants). The conference, then, is shaping as a major mid-size event in the field.

With the conference only weeks away, it’s time to address the two most important questions about schedule and paper submissions:

1) The final detailed programme will be available in the second part of May. The general programme was made available in March here. Please plan your trip accordingly.

2)  All long papers, regular papers (incl. papers in thematic panels), and commentaries on long papers will be invited to be included in the proceedings. As previously announced, the proceedings will be produced by College Publications within their Studies in Logic and Argumentation series. They will be available in early 2016 as a two-volume hard-copy and online pdfs, with open access. The authors will keep their copyright and will be allowed, with the editors’ permission, to extend their papers into further publications (papers, book chapters).

  1. We will be providing the templates for the papers around the conference time (in June).
  2. You will be asked to submit the final version of your paper/commentary after the conference, most likely in September. (The authors of “long papers” will be allowed to edit them for publication without altering the content to the extent that would nullify the commentary.)

We’ll be addressing more more practical details in due time, but please feel free contact us  if you have questions.

ECA Lisbon 2015 Organising Committee


Registration is Open!

Registration and fee-payment for the ECA Lisbon 2015 are now Open!

1- Registration:

In order to register, please visit the registration page and fill in the form there.

* Registration is obligatory for everybody who would like to attend the conference. Additionally, the golden rule of “one paper – one registration” will be applicable. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us.

* We will send you a confirmation of registration once we receive your form.

2- Fee-Payment:

In order to pay the conference fees, please visit the fee-payment page.

2i- The fees need to be paid in €, in accordance with the information available at our Fees & Registration page

[A- Early bird – by 28 Feb 2015: 225 € (Faculty) and 125 € (Students, incl. PhD students.    B- Regular – by 15 Apr 2015: 275 € (Faculty) and 175 € (Students, incl. PhD students). Additionally, you may choose to pay for a hard copy of the proceedings –25 € and /or for the conference dinner on 12 June – 30 €/ person).

2ii- Two payment methods are available: a) pay through a PayPal account or b) pay using a credit card. In both cases, NO extra payment fee is applicable.

2iii- Before you finalise your payment, you will have the possibility to add particular information to be included in the invoice (e.g. fiscal number of your university). Please do that if needed.

2iv- Immediately after you pay your fees, you will receive an automated confirmation of payment by email. Please forward the email to us.

2v- Official Invoices and confirmation of participation will be provided at the registration desk on the first day of the conference.


Please note that registration is complete only when (1) the registration form is filled in and (2) the conference fees are paid.

Abstract Submission Closed

Thank you for so many submissions!

We are happy and proud to let you know that the conference has attracted an enormous amount of interest from argumentation scholars all over the world. By the time we closed the online submission system we had received 286 complete submissions:

  • 5 thematic panels
  • 72 long papers
  • 209 regular papers (22 belong to thematic panels)

We express our gratitude to you – and the entire community of scholars interested in argumentation – for investing your effort and confidence in an academic start-up the European Conference on Argumentation is. Thanks to you, our 1st conference promises to be a stimulating gathering where the latest argumentation scholarship is presented, discussed and, no doubt, argued about.

Considering the high volume of submissions, we will be able to accept around 50-60% of paper proposals. This means that we will now focus on selecting the very best from the proposals submitted. To this end, we have from the very beginning set up a strict process of double-blind reviewing. The process will be managed by the ECA’s Programme Committee. Each abstract will be anonymously reviewed by at least two members of ECA’s Scientific Panel of more than 50 experts in the field. Reviewers will assess the scholarly quality of each abstract taking into account its relevance to the main theme and perspective of the conference, as specified in the Calls for Papers we have distributed.

Authors of proposals will hear from the Programme Committee by the 1st of December. Meanwhile, if there is any reason for you to withdraw a submission – for instance your plans have changed – please do contact the PC as soon as you can.

We are confident we are working on an exciting conference where the best of the high-quality papers proposed will be presented. We will keep in touch with you and we hope to welcome you to Lisbon in June next year!

Marcin Lewiński and Dima Mohammed

On behalf of the

ECA Lisbon 2015 Organising Committee

ECA Lisbon 2015 Programme Committee

ECA Steering Committee

Springer sponsors the Van Eemeren Prize!

If you’re a student – write an outstanding paper and you may win 800 EUR (1000 USD)!

The winner of the ECA Frans van Eemeren Prize for Outstanding Student Paper will be awarded a 500 EUR (around 650 USD) cash prize by Springer – the publisher of the Argumentation journal and the Argumentation Library book series. Additionally, Springer will offer the winner a  300 EUR (around 400 USD) voucher for books from Springer’s catalogue.

(More on the ECA Frans van Eemeren Prize for Outstanding Student Paper here)