Abstract Submission

   Submit your abstract to the ECA Lisbon 2015 EasyChair

Abstract submission is open until 1 October 2014!

Instructions for abstract submission can be found here.

Types of submissions

The Programme Committee invites the following types of original submissions:

(i) Individual long papers (with Commentator)

Submit extended abstracts (min. 1000, max. 1500 words), ready for double-blind reviewing. Each accepted paper will have to be submitted before the conference, and will have a commentator assigned. Authors will be allocated longer slots (± 45min). Published long papers will be within 5000-7000 words range (incl. references and footnotes).

(ii) Individual regular papers (without Commentator)

Submit regular abstracts (min. 300, max. 500 words), ready for double-blind reviewing.
For authors of accepted regular papers there is no need to submit them in advance, and there will be no commentator. Authors will be allocated shorter slots (± 25min). Published regular papers will be within 3500-5000 words range (incl. references and footnotes).

(iii) Thematic panels/symposia

Thematic panels/symposia are expected to be directly related to the main theme of the conference. Panels should comprise of 3-5 speakers and last 90-150min; they may include a panel respondent (panel organiser her/himself or someone invited by the panel organiser). Panel proposals are submitted by the panel organiser; they should be prepared for double-blind reviewing and include: title; description of the panel, incl. its connection to the theme of the conference (300-500 words each); the titles and abstracts of each contribution to the panel (300-500 words); and whether it will involve a respondent or not.

Published panel/symposium papers will be within 3500-5000 words range (incl. references and footnotes).

(Note, all abstracts in the panel should also be individually submitted by their authors as “Regular papers” with the option – available in the online system under the abstract box – “My paper is part of a thematic panel/symposium”.)

  View complete Call for Papers

  View  Important Dates